


1! =1, 2!=2, 3!=6, 4!=24, 5!=120, 6!=720, 7!=5040と急激に増加していきます。




When Euler arrived in St. Petersburg in 1728, Daniel Bernoulli and Christian Goldbach were already working on problems in the “interpolation of sequences.” Their problem was to find a formula that “naturally expressed” a sequence of numbers.

Bernoulli and Goldbach were stumped trying to interpolate two particular sequences. The first was the sequence we now call the factorial numbers, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, etc. They called it the “hypergeometric progression.”

Euler announced his solution in a letter to Christian Goldbach dated October 13, 1729.

Euler’s exposition in the letter of October 1729 is very brief, but he gave more details and consequences in an article, De progressionibus transcendentibus, seu quarum termini generales algebraice dari nequeunt, “On transcendental progressions, or those for which the general term is not given algebraically.”

Euler, Leonhard, De progressionibus transcendentibus, seu quarum termini generales algebraice dari nequeunt. Commentarii academiae scientiarum imperialis Petropolitanae 5 (1730/31) 1738, pp. 36-57. Reprinted in Opera omnia I.14, pp. 1-24. Original Latin and an English translation by Stacy Langton are available at EulerArchive.org.

(引用元:How Euler Did It by Ed Sandifer Gamma the function September 2007)


こんな曲線になりました。階乗の定義による値はきれいに通っていますが、0に近いところでとんでもない挙動を示しています。正の整数が引数の場合は、Γ(6)=5! と、一つ小さい数の階乗になります。Γ(1)=0!なのですが、Γ(0)は値がないのです。負の実数でもガンマ関数は計算されますが、負の整数は値がありません。負の数までぷろっとすると、もっと不思議なグラフになります。階乗は26の階乗でも、26!=6.2×10^23と、アボガドロ数と同じ程度の大きさにもなります。階乗って凄い!



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